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Alientrick has support highly valued and is done by default according to the best effort principle.

The support we provide is of high quality and we strive to resolve issues quickly. Our support team can be reached through our service desk at and by email, at

You can find the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) at Would you like to have certain guarantees for the support of your website? Check out our support packages below.

Our support packages

Whether it concerns support, adjustments or support: together we look at what your business needs.

Support Pay as you go Basic Professional
Free tips & advice
Hours of support included per month 0,5 our 2 hours 4 hours
Lead time support question Best effort < 5 business days < 4 business days
Support By mail/servicedesk By mail/servicedesk By mail/servicedesk
High Prio support Resolution time/workaround Best effort Within max 16 hours Within max 8 hours
Extra hours Extra hours € 100,- Extra hours € 90,- Extra hours € 90,-
Cost per month (excl. VAT)and (excl. btw) First 30 min. free € 90,- € 200,-

What is not covered?

A Support Plan is not a website design process. It is the support and maintenance of existing, functioning websites.

  • Support plans do not include custom design;
  • Any creation of advertisements, promotions, logos or custom graphics will be billed at regular rate;
  • A Support Plan does not relate to social media management, Facebook Ads, Google Adsense or other Online Marketing activities.

Ready for the next (digital) step?

We want to grow your online business. That is why we ensure that your website remains in top condition.

We host, monitor and maintain on our own online platforms. What's next? Have a webshop made? A web application? Or do you want to increase your online target group by using online marketing?

We will help you achieve your online goals. Make your case known to us and let us surprise you!